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Functional Labs & Screenings

Foundational Labs

Besides our really cool health scan, we prefer to start out with our Foundational Labs plus finding out your specific Metabolic Type. This gives us a more complete overall picture of your connected body systems and how they are affecting each other. If we only look in one area (focusing only on the location of your symptoms) we can miss that the symptoms you are experiencing could be upstream or downstream of the actual root cause. Unbalanced hormones impact digestion, poor digestion, can unbalance your hormones. Stress affects and amplifies every imbalance and issue. 

Your Metabolic Type assesses how your body has a unique and very individual set of nutritional needs, fuels and ratios (Proteins:Fats:Carbs) and specific types to produce quality energy. You may have heard how vegan, vegetarian, paleo, ketogenic, and many more diets have worked for individuals but have been terrible for others. We find out what fuel your body requires (hint: this can change seasonally), instead of what some influencer is selling.

Stress & Hormone Profile

An easy saliva test that measures the levels and balance of key stress and sex hormones, including cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Also looks at circadian rhythm and some immune markers. Why saliva instead of blood? Because we want to know the bioavailable forms in the body which are what is making a difference. 

The DUTCH Test

This test looks at sex hormones and their metabolites, the overall diurnal pattern of free cortisol, and the total distribution of cortisol metabolites in addition to OATs, which provide insight into nutritional deficiencies, oxidative stress, gut dysbiosis, melatonin, neuroinflammation, and more.

We use this valuable tool to optimize hormone health and address hormone-related symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, and mood swings.

Metabolic Wellness Profile

Tests the urine for key markers of digestion, detoxification, and oxidative stress.

Transformation, energy, change. These are the hallmarks of metabolism, the vital chemical processes that are critical for life itself. Nutrition ignites the process that allows our body to derive the vital nutrients we need for our metabolic pathways to function optimally, so that we may not simply live, but thrive.

Mucosal Barrier Assessment

This easy finger stick dried blood spot test looks at different biomarkers to determine if the patient has gut inflammation and permeability, or “leaky gut”. Each of these elements is important to take a look individually, but when viewed together they can help paint a portrait of an individual’s gut status.

G.I. Map

Tests the microbes in a patient’s stool sample, measuring the amount and balance of harmful and helpful bacteria in the gut. Screens for many other harmful pathogens as well.

MRT Food Sensitivity

Tests the body’s response to 176 foods and chemicals, allowing you to identify what items cause inflammation and how to avoid them.

Many more labs available...

Based on your individual needs or if there is other suspected issues we need to explore, we have a multitude of options at our disposal. Hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA), neurotransmitters, mold / mycotoxins, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), and much more. 

Metabolic Typing® Assessment

Your Metabolic Type assesses how your body has a unique and very individual set of nutritional needs, ratios (Proteins:Fats:Carbs),  and specific fuel types to produce quality energy. You may have heard how vegan, vegetarian, paleo, ketogenic, and many more diets have worked for individuals but have been terrible for others. Metabolic typing decodes this mystery and gives you the information and tools to feed your body what it requires, instead of what some influencer is selling.

There are 6 main different types or categories that you can fall into based on your unique genetic makeup and individual needs. After you find out which category you are in then we can fine tune your specific individual ratios and foods after that.

For those that want the Quick and Nerdy explanation here you go:

“One man’s food is another man’s poison.”
Bill Wolcott
Author, The Metabolic Typing® Diet

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